How to Close an Instructor Account

We're sorry to hear you'd like to close your IKNOWLEGGY account. If you're having trouble with the site, or if there's anything we can help you with before you close your account, please contact IKNOWLEDGY support team from Here.

If you’ve created a course on IKNOWLEDGY, or you have been added as a co-instructor to a course, the steps you need to take to close your account will vary depending on a few factors.

First, you will need to take the required steps as either a Course Instructor outlined below, before following the steps in the Closing Your Account section.

Course Instructor

Instructor of Courses with No Learners Enrollments

If you’ve created draft courses on IKNOWLEDGY, you must delete each of the courses you created before closing your account (more info here).

If you have published any of your courses, but don’t yet have any enrolled learners, unpublish the courses first, then delete them in order to close your account (more info here).

After deleting all of your courses, you can close your account page with IKNOWLEDGY.

Instructor of Courses with Learners Enrolled

If you have created any courses that are published or have been published in the past, and a learner has enrolled in them, please contact support for further instructions on how to close your account. Note that, per our learner lifetime access feature, learners who have enrolled in your courses will continue to have access to them after you close your account.

Note: If there are any payments due to be paid to you in your Request Payment, you won’t be able to remove your account until your last scheduled payout is sent by IKNOWLEDGY.

Please note also that if you close your account and you have courses that have learners enrolled, that these courses will be available to new learners to purchase and you had no right to ask for your payment of this courses form the date you asked to close the account.

Closing Your Account

Once you’ve taken the necessary steps above, you can proceed to close your account by following these steps:

1. Sign into your account.

2. Move your cursor to your support ticket at the mid-left of the page.

3. Click on Support Ticket in the left menu.

4. Next, click Need Support on the top-right corner of the page.

5. Write in the subject section “Close Account”

6. Write in the content section the reason of closing your account.


Please note that your account will be closed in 2 working days and

If you have any additional questions regarding how to close your instructor account, please contact our support team