Refund Status: Common Questions

Course purchases can be refunded within 3 days after the purchase. Below are answers to some of the most common questions we receive regarding refunds, and how long the process takes.

For more information on our refund policy please click here. Steps on how to make a refund request, can be viewed here.

How can I know the status of my refund?

You can know the status of your refund by asking our support team and they will respond within 2 working days.

When will I receive my refund?

Refund requests are submitted immediately to your payment processor or financial institution after IKNOWLEGY has received and processed your request. It may take 5 to 10 business days or longer to post the funds in your account, depending on your financial institution or location.

If you requested a refund within 24 hours of purchasing the course, however, it may be processed as a purchase reversal (please see below for more information).

I requested a refund more than 10 business days ago, but I still do not see it in my bank account. Where is my refund?

As noted above, it may take 5 to 10 business days to post the funds in your account after IKNOWLEGY has processed your refund request, depending on your financial institution or location. Some refunds, however, may not post to your account for up to 30 days. If it has been more than 10 business days since the refund was processed by IKNOWLEGY, please contact your bank directly to inquire about the status of the refund. If the bank does not see the refund in their records, please contact our support team.

It has been more than 30 days since I requested my refund but I haven’t received it yet.  What do I do now?

If it has been more than 30 days since you requested a refund, and you still haven’t received it, then please contact our support team.

What is the difference between a refund and a purchase reversal?

If you paid with a credit or debit card, most refunds that are processed within 24 hours of a purchase are processed as reversals.  What this means is that the original charge will be removed from your bank or credit card statement, usually within 5 business days. If it is a reversal, then you will not see the refunds credited back to your account, since they were never withdrawn.